
Deliciously Different Fundraising Opportunity


At Dearborn Brand, we are rooted in our community and committed to supporting those who have long supported us. That’s why we have created a fundraising program that is as easy as it is delicious. We can help with any fundraising opportunities you have, whether it’s for a school, PTA/PTO, scouting troop or an organization.


Dearborn Brand hams are always crowd pleasers, especially during the holiday season. If you choose to sell our hams and other products for your fundraiser, we recommend that you have a selling period of 2-3 weeks. During that time, your organization collects all orders and payment. The more you sell, the more your organization earns!




  Place your order online! (CLICK HERE) 


  The steps to earning are simple:

  •  Distribute Fundraiser Order Forms to everyone who will be selling.
  • Collect order forms and payment.
  • Once all orders and payments have been received, please complete and submit the Master Order Form (make sure all checks are made out to your organization). To ensure order accuracy, be sure to fill in any blanks and double-check all totals.
  • Please ensure all checks are made out to your organization and allow at least 7 business days for all orders and payments to be collected by your organization’s appointed fund-keeper. Make sure that you have the most up-to-date product pricing.
  • Submit the Master Order Form 7 business days before your requested pick up/delivery date.
  • Arrange for delivery. You only need 50 hams (of any assortment) to qualify for free local delivery. All deliveries must have a 5-hour delivery window. Please ensure your delivery location is in an accessible area, avoiding stairs and elevators, if possible. We recommend that you enlist a volunteer to help sort through the order. Drivers will collect checks and/or cash payments upon delivery.
  • All Pick Up orders will need to be picked up at our Dearborn Location: 2450 Wyoming, Dearborn MI 48120.
  • We also have the option to ship orders via UPS. For more information, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Dearborn Brand fundraising team at or 313-329-9325.


 All Necessary Documents

Sticks Information

  For more information or to request all of the necessary information, please fill out the form below:




  Place your order online! (CLICK HERE)